Jim Fiest Sux the fraud scam artist (STIFF!!!) Phoney piece of S!#t !!!


Oct 31, 2004
This needs to stay in the forum for awhile. The Scam artist needs to be exposed

Back in April me and Jimfiest sucks!!!!! got into a well known head to head baseball picking contest for a very small $500 bucks. We agreed to have the winner get $500 NETELLERED into the winners account.

I figured he would be good for the money because he built up a reputation on the forums that I figured he would want to keep. Bragging about playing 10K per game and such.So I went along with the contest with no upfront money. Well at about the allstar break I had a 150 unit lead on him. At that point he conceeded the contest to me. He said since the contest was set to last the whole year that he would wait till the last day of the season to pay me. Well this was my first red flag that I would not get paid but I went ahead and let him wait till the end of the season knowing almost full well that he would stiff me.

Well the end of the season comes along and no word from JFS. So I had to track him down myself. I tracked him down with his bogus Syrucusedoc email address that he was using to sell his worthless picks with. I made him an offer that I thought he could not refuse. I told him all he has to do is pay me $200 and I would call it even. He balked at that offer.

10 Mins later he writes back to tell me that he was not JFS :lolBIG: and that he will forward this message to his cousin:lolBIG: .

This is the sad but true email he sent me.

First off I'm not out to fuck anyone over. I just need more time as I've been getting beat bad lately. Unfortunately I play Doc's plays but I also play mine which SUCK. I need till the end of October to get the cash together. C-Lo is pissed at me and wants me to post at his site and call it even. I don't want any breaks in the money. But If I can't get it all at once can I piece you off?? Honestly its my brother doing these DOC plays now not me anymore. Looking to get a pay service for his college hoops, not sure what they will do. I'm not a scumbag was just embarrased at owing you the cash and not having it yet. I tried to get it these past 2 weeks and I was destroyed doing so in baseball. BUT honestly give me till the end of October to get it to you. I'd like to piece you off if its OK with you. Right now I have to take care of my bank as my girlfriend used Neteller instacash and it hit my bank and the funds weren't there. Didn't know she used it. Well my bank kicked it back to Neteller and Neteller kicked it back to my bank for a retry and I was nailed for penalities 2 times at my bank and Neteller for the same transaction. Enough of my troubles. I told Tommy I owed you and C-Lo money and I want to stay away till I get my priorities straight. Tommy owns SCI. Hes a great guya and I didn't want to bring any negativity to his forum so I chose to leave. These DOC plays will take off I'm sure as he's a great capper. If anyone thinks I'M him they are crazy cause I can't pick a game to save my life. Actually I have to stop gambling for a few weeks to catch up on things. Please understand and give me till the end of October or will you except a little at a time in 2 weeks?? I want this taken care of. Hell I'll pay you interest no problem?? But if you don't want to wait then do what you have to do. You won't be hurting me at all, I have absolutely nothing to do with this new thing my brother is doing. Hes the smarter one in the family. We'll see. Get back to me on this address as the other one has nothing to do with me.

Talk about a degenerate!!!!!!!! This one takes the cake!!!!!!! He goes on forums talking about betting hundreds of thousands of bucks and all this time he has a Neteller account in the negitive!!!! What a joke. After reading his message I felt so sorry for the guy that I almost told him to just forget about the whole thing. The only reason I did not is because he has been leading thousands of people astray which is why this message needs to stay in the offshore forum. I gave this guy 6 months after the completion of this contest to come up with the money.

He did give me $100 bucks towards the debt about 2 months ago and I never heard from him since. I was going to give him another few months to pay his debt hoping that he would live up to his word but tonight was the last straw when I saw him in this forum tonight how he sent big bucks to a sportsbook tonight.


If you have money to send to a sportsbook you certainly have money to send to me you plug!!!!!!!

The sad thing is I was in 3 other contest just like the one between me and JFS that I lost. Hurricane Katrina and Rita come along and caused me hell!!! I had to withdrawl all my money at all my sportsbooks that I have been building money with over the last 5 years just to pay the massive expenses that I went through. I quit capping the baseball games and ended up losing 2 contest that I had huge leads in because I was no longer betting games because of the turmoil that I went through the last 6 weeks of the baseball season.

With all that being said im a man of my word. I did not cry foul. I paid off all 3 of the contestants that lost to even though JFS did pay me, and even though I had a very legit reason for calling off the contest. I paid out $1500 bucks in contest loses to internet strangers. And the one contest I win I get stiffed by this scam artist who brags about how much of a bigshot he is with his phoney DOC.

So MR SUX, I have one thing to say to you. You might as well change your handle and call yourself someone else. Because I will be following you around all over cyberspace telling everyone who you really are. I dont care if I get banned!!!!!!!! I will do it you piece of shit!!!!!!!!!!!

Oct 21, 2004
I remember this clown with his Uncle (???) or some crap like that ... they were moving locally like 20k per game

I learned one of the sure signs is when ya see someone posting that "I just moved 5 Dimes .."

just for the taste of it "diet coke" 8 cans a day
Nov 18, 2004
Why Do You Bet With Posters Over The Net No Guarantee Of Getting Paid

Sep 20, 2004
I Gave This Joker $100.00 Out Of My Own Pocket, For A Contest He Had Won, Never Had I Ever Said A Bad Word About Him, Had No Reason To, Yet He Trashed Me , Bucsfan And The Rx....

Is It Any Surprise At All He Was Teaming With Madcapper At The Time? I Don't Think So.

Oct 31, 2004
I know it was poor judgement on my part. Everyone who post about me being an idiot is 100% correct. Whos to say that one or more of the other 3 people that I lost to would have paid me if I won. The only reason I am posting this is to expose this scam artist before he leads others astray with his BS.

Aug 20, 2002
Journeyman said:
Is It Any Surprise At All He Was Teaming With Madcapper At The Time? I Don't Think So.

What the FUCK does this mean tool? Go date another cyber chick!!

Sep 20, 2004
MadCapper said:
What the FUCK does this mean tool? Go date another cyber chick!!

It means what it says loser..get lost, go scam someone else...

How many scams and posting names do you have kid?

I see even Damian can't stand you now :103631605

Aug 20, 2002
DO you still IM people pretending you're a chick???

I can post those instant message conversations if youd like.

Home of the Cincinnati Criminals.
Sep 20, 2004
I get IM'ed from journey all the time, I like my women big:drink:

MadCapper said:
DO you still IM people pretending you're a chick???

I can post those instant message conversations if youd like.

Sep 20, 2004
MC err Sage, errr Filbuster, errr who are you tonight? Dude get a life, get help!

If this was a real community you would have no teeth and wearing cement shoes.
Sep 21, 2004
MadCapper said:
What the FUCK does this mean tool? Go date another cyber chick!!

Ut oh....looks like he's tied to the Madscammer\Sage alliance.

Sep 20, 2004
And apparently he even scammed his buddy Damian who paid his debt for him...anyone that comes within 50 feet of this bozo ends up getting screwed.

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